What is peace education?
Peace studies have long been a part of the Montessori system. Montessori has been seen as peace education and we believe that the peaceful nature of the method is the reason. Therefore the understanding of “peace” will be disseminated not only by teaching facts and figures but by being peaceful and acting peacefully.
What is servant-leadership?
Robert K. Greenleaf, an AT&T executive, coined the phrase servant-leadership in 1970. The servant-leadership philosophy stresses increased service to others, a holistic approach to work, promoting a sense of community, and the sharing of power in decision making.
Servant-leadership supports people who choose to serve first, and then lead as a way of expanding service to individuals and organizations. In June 2007, the Kingwood Montessori School was invited to be the first Early Childhood and elementary Montessori school in America to participate in a national pilot program to develop the integration of servant-leadership principles and civic engagement into the school curriculum. This is sponsored by a collaboration of the Greenleaf Center in Indianapolis and Manoa Partnerships of the University of Hawaii.